- MAME, This is the homepage for the Amiga port of this great emulator.
- InstallerFX, Graphical addon for Commodore Installer.
- ACDSee2Filenote, Program to convert ACDSee description file (descript.ion) to standard Amiga filenote.
- Intuitracker, The best looking module player ever. A bit old though.
- MagicSelector, Have different gfx in windows and screens each startup.
- ADProRunner, Start ADPro with specfic memory usage.
- DMS-Face, A GUI for DMS.
- Logla Compiler, A compiler for the Logla language.
- XingPlay, A very fast mpeg player with OCS/AGA and cgfx support.
- Birdie, A hack that gives patterns in window borders for cgx 3 users.